Review Honeywell HA010E1 Mini Tower Air Purifier

Honeywell HA010E1 Mini Tower Air PurifierReview Honeywell HA010E1 Mini Tower Air Purifier

With so many available today, it is wise to have a brand you can recognise. The Honeywell HA010E1 Mini Tower Air Purifier is certainly that and will be a excellent buy. For this price, the Honeywell HA010E1 Mini Tower Air Purifier comes widely recommended and is always a regular choice with lots of people.

Product Description

Because you can’t see, feel or taste the air in your home, you might not realise that it may not be clean. Unless you suffer from an allergy, you probably don’t even think about the air you breathe. The fact is, indoor air can be 5-100 times more polluted than outdoor air, even in the world’s largest and most heavily industrialised cities (source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency). Research indicates that people spend approximately 90% of their time indoors, which means that exposure to indoor air pollution can be a serious risk.Who is at risk? Everyone, to some extent. However, sensitive people and people who spend long periods of time indoors are most exposed to the harmful effects of indoor air pollution. Such groups include the young, the elderly, or those suffering from respiratory ailments. Healthy people need to beware too, as the number of allergy sufferers dramatically increases with the level of air pollution. Today, one in three people suffers from an allergy.

Health effects

The New England Journal of Medicine recently published research that found air pollution to be statistically linked to increased health problems (source: “Air Pollution and Health – Good News and Bad”, by C. Arden Pope, III, PhD). Particles less than 10 microns, including simple dust, can pass through the nose and throat and go directly into the lungs. Many people may only notice irritation to their eyes, nose and throat.


The air that we breathe every day indoors may contain harmful gases and particles, including germs, viruses, dust, bacteria, pollen, mould spores, animal dander, smog, tobacco, smoke and soot. Ventilation is necessary, as it will bring in enough outside air to dilute emissions and flush air pollutants out of the home. If insufficiently evacuated, these gases and particles can lead to air quality problems.

The Honeywell Mini Tower Air Purifier is effective for general, all-round air purification and particle reduction, as they remove up to 99% of airborne particles as small as two microns that pass through the filter.

IFD™ is a breakthrough filtration method that is highly effective at removing airborne particles. IFD™, which stands for “intense field dielectric”, is the only electronic filter technology whose performance rivals that of HEPA systems. The IFD™ filter is actively charged by a high voltage source that allows it to pull particles out of the air and capture them. The IFD™ filter should be cleaned once every three months by rinsing in water.

Ozone risk: minimal. Because the filtration system produces trace amounts of ozone, this type of product is not recommended for people with asthma or other breathing conditions.

This air purifier comes with two settings (high and low), washable filters so you do not need to repeat purchase replacements and a three year warranty.
Pure, fresh air- simply.