Review for Biogreen Mi 300/GB 300W Frostbuster Stainless Steel Mini Greenhouse Heater

Biogreen Mi 300/GB 300W Frostbuster Stainless Steel Mini Greenhouse HeaterReview for Biogreen Mi 300/GB 300W Frostbuster Stainless Steel Mini Greenhouse Heater

With so many on offer right now, it is good to have a name you can trust. The Biogreen Mi 300/GB 300W Frostbuster Stainless Steel Mini Greenhouse Heater is certainly that and will be a great acquisition. For this price, the Biogreen Mi 300/GB 300W Frostbuster Stainless Steel Mini Greenhouse Heater is widely respected and is always a regular choice amongst most people.

Product Description

The Bio Green Frost Buster works with a small, thermally protected gas flame that produces both heat and CO². Both are needed for strong healthy plant growth. The Frost Buster runs on a propane gas cylinder. The thermal protection ensures maximum safety and prevents any escape of unburnt gas.