Best Review for Amazonas Luna AZ-4011000 Hanging Chair Stand RockStone

Amazonas Luna AZ-4011000 Hanging Chair Stand RockStoneBest Review for Amazonas Luna AZ-4011000 Hanging Chair Stand RockStone

With so many available today, it is great to have a brand you can trust. The Amazonas Luna AZ-4011000 Hanging Chair Stand RockStone is certainly that and will be a superb purchase. For this reduced price, the Amazonas Luna AZ-4011000 Hanging Chair Stand RockStone is widely recommended and is always a regular choice with lots of people.

  • - Metal stand for hanging chairs
  • - Dark silver, almost anthracite

Product Description

Support de hamac chaise et fauteuil suspendu en acier poudré,. Ré,glable en hauteur. Trè,s stable, produit conforme aux normes europé,ennes et allemandes. Convient à, toutes les balancelles, hamacs chaises et fauteuils suspendus. Donné,es techniques : Surface: 120 x 145 cm Hauteur (ré,glable): 200 - 240 cm Poids: 24 kg Capacité, maxi: 120 kg Conforme aux normes TUV